Book Shop

The school Book Shop is open all year, in term time, for the purchase of a wide range of stationery items and other services. There is Eftpos with Paywave available, and cash payments are also accepted.

We also stock the School ties at $20 for year 12 and 13 students. Mouth guards are available too at $5.50.

If a student requires a quote for any support agency they can also obtain that at the book shop.

Student Services

Is located at the Book Shop. ID cards are available for purchase. These cards are pre -paid at Student Services in the Book Shop. Cost for ID cards is $15.00.

The ID card order is placed once the school individual photos have been taken .The production of ID cards can take a few weeks as they are created elsewhere. The whanau teachers will be notified when the card is ready to be collected.

Payment for all school activities, trips and camps, school ball and Awards evenings are made at Student Services.

The hire of specialist graphic calculators for senior maths students is paid and collected from the Student Service space.

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