Event Details
- Date:
8:20am Staff Briefing – Hall
8.40am Year 13 to the – Hall
9.00am Year 13 – Whanau Class
10am Pōwhiri (all)
10:30m am Short Break and farewell parents.
11am NGT, House Leaders & Whānau teachers
– Yr 9 Assemble on G/H hall side in whanau classes
– Whānau class to be escorted into assembly (Seddon section of Hall)
(NGT will address and introduce important people in the school).
– NGT will dismiss students and whānau teachers by house.
11:30am – Yr 9 House & Whānau teachers (Courts)
– Yr 9 escorted to Tennis Courts by Whānau teachers and to seat students in their location for fire drills.
– House leaders to introduce themselves to their Houses. Discuss Fire Drill Protocol for their house.
– House leaders to dismiss classes and teachers to allocated whānau rooms.
11:40am – Whānau time
1. Purpose of whānau class
2. Whanau Bingo (provided by NGT)
3. Whānau treaty activity (provided by NGT)
4. Timetables and final options selections
5. Importance of Daily Notices.
6. Where to go tomorrow for assembly – house assemblies
7. Answer any questions.
12:45pm – School tours
Students will get a tour around the school by whanau teachers: House Area for Haka/Waiata practise; toilets; tuckshop; Health Centre; gym; water fountains; sports office; swimming pool; School lunch location, Deans offices.
1:10pm – Class allocation
– Line up outside Grey/Hobson side
– NGT to line Yr 9 up in their Period 1 Wednesday class
– Period 1 subject teacher for Wednesday to collect options class and show them to the room that they will attend for the first lesson tomorrow. (Remind students where House Practices are). Teacher dismisses class for lunch.
1:30pm Lunch
2 pm Haka and Waiata Practise.
3pm School Finishes