Otahuhu College recognises the need for guidance so a comprehensive network of pastoral care is in place to assist students and families with any problems.
New students are placed into Whānau Groups within a House. Students remain with their House for the duration, as they progress through the year groups. It is the Whānau Teacher in the first instance that students can refer to for personal help or guidance. If the Whānau Teacher is unable to resolve an issue or believes further assistance is necessary, students will be referred to the Year Level Dean for further guidance or assistance.
Two guidance counsellors are available each day for more serious or personal matters where advice is needed. They are responsible, willing to listen and skilled in helping to sort out difficulties.
To contact a Dean call (09) 963 4000 –> Press 2 to speak to a Dean, then choose the relevant Extension Option below
Year Level | Name | Extension | |
9 | Ms Emma Norgate | 4051 | enorgate@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
10 | Ms Sarah Ofanoa | 4052 | sofanoa@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
11 | Ms Livia-Kate Clarken | 4011 | lclarken@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
12 | Mr Allister Martin | 4079 | amartin@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
13 | Mr George Finau | 4018 | gfinau@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
Education Navigator | Mr Tarres ChiTar | 4037 | tchitar@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
Attendance Navigator | Ms Sisilia Savea | 4007 | stahavalu@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
Attendance Navigator | Mr Joe Tupe | 4039 | jtupe@otahuhucollege.school.nz |
The Careers Department gives specialised advice about careers opportunities and relevant qualifications.
A Peer Mediation system operates in the College, which trains students in mediation and conflict resolution; enabling them to help resolve student problems should they arise.
P: 09 963 4000
E: enquiries@otahuhucollege.school.nz
Office Hours
8am-3.30pm Mon-Fri
Physical Address
74-78 Mangere Road
Auckland 1062
Term 1
Tue 28 Jan – Fri 11 Apr
Term 2
Mon Apr 28 – Fri 27 June
Term 3
Mon 14 Jul – Fri 19 Sep
Term 4
Mon 6 Oct – Fri 5 Dec